Süneyye Zeyrek
3 min readJun 4, 2022

Letting go, moving on and the whole nine yards…

Photo by Максим Степаненко on Unsplash

Let go, let go, let go, just let it go I whispered to myself as I buried my head into a pillow soaked with my tears. God knows how many times I repeated this toxic cycle and failed each time. When it comes to practicing the art of letting go and when I say letting go, I mean truly letting go, you will embark upon many teachings of the spiritual world, which are tremendously valuable as general guidance in life, yet completely ineffective as a compass leading to the path of genuinely letting go.

Trusting the universe, believing in divine timing, practicing self-care and journaling are the first few that come to mind and although these actions, if practiced consistently will provide immense benefits to the poor soul desperately trying to break out of a harmful cycle, it won’t actually help with the letting go.

You can desire to let go of a harmful habit, a toxic relationship, any kind of attachment or anything that doesn’t serve your highest good. You can do everything right on your way to breaking the chains and becoming shackle free but fail nonetheless. Letting go is one of the most, if not the most important element of healing and healing is messy, thus, the journey to letting go isn’t a straight line, it’s a stormy road with twists and turns and unfortunately, a lot of reverses. Just when you think the worst is over and good days are on the horizon, a voice, a word or any human contact can trigger the underlying reason behind your eagerness to let go and the whole process starts all over again.

During my journey of letting go of a certain obsessive attachment, I experienced the above in the most intense way possible. Coupled with my general anxiety disorder, the sheer fear of the emotions triggered by a connection I shared with a very special, yet completely incompatible person raised havoc on my overall well-being. My abandonment issues resurfaced and I had no choice but too run. Once these feelings got so intense that I couldn’t think or function appropriately, I initiated the long, difficult ordeal that is the procedure of letting go. As I continue to walk through this journey, I have gained invaluable lessons and realizations, which I wish someone had told me before I started my walk down this crooked path.

Truth be told, at the end, one comes to understand that we are not at liberty to decide when and how we let go. Letting go is a process of realizing that whatever or whomever you’ve attached yourself to, whatever or whomever is causing you to obsess is no longer serving your highest good. This realization fires the process yet ultimately, time is necessary to reach that point of complete surrender and release.

Meditating daily, using the magical power of crystals to guide and align yourself, self-care and journaling will benefit your overall health tremendously. However, it’s not going to help you actually let go. To truly and I mean absolutely, irrecoverably and unapologetically let go, you will need time. Time is magic, time is medicine!

There comes a point in life where what once sunk your chest will no longer matter, the guy you cried over will become a complete stranger and the issues that once triggered every fiber in your body will lose their power.

That’s healing and fundamentally letting go.

January 22, 2020



Süneyye Zeyrek

Freud said “Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways”, so I decided to Write.